You are currently viewing Wanda-Vision.


 ************Caution Spoilers************

This is my opinion only. So after saying that lets talk about Wanda-Vision. The ending of the last episode where the X-Men Pietro “Quicksilver” shows up at her door. Let’s dissect this a little bit. 

This version of Quicksilver comes from the X-Man movies or universe. He does not have a sister in that universe.They at least do not show or mention one. So how would he know that Wanda was his sister? How would he know to come to her in her time of grief? Is this somehow someone else’s influence on Wanda? We all know who their daddy is right?? Magneto. 

I know people want to believe this is how Marvel introduces mutants into the MCU, maybe it is. I think they should, and I hope they do, flush out how he knows her. She could have ruptured the barriers between universes or something similar to that. Again just my opinion.